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64 Results Found

Mid-term Implementation Review of the 8th Five Year Plan

GED initiated the preparation of the Mid-term Implementation Review of the Eighth Five Year Plant of 8FYP. The Policy Research Institute (PRI) – a reputed consulting firm of Bangladesh specializing in Economic issues was recruited to provide the consultancy services in preparing this report. In between, GED collected input/feedback on the implementation progress of 8FYP from concerned ministries/divisions and organized two workshops on 15 March 2023 on the received input. After the workshops, all ministries/divisions were requested to provide/correct/modify their input/comments again. In the whole process, concerned officials from GED were actively in touch with the focal persons from ministries/divisions. Once the draft of the report was prepared, GED conducted another consultation workshop with ministries/divisions on 23 August 2023 for their on the draft report. The final report incorporated all the information and feedback received from the ministries/division. GED also formed a technical committee comprised of representatives from various government organizations, i.e., Finance Division (FD), Economic Relations Division (ERD, Ministry of Commerce, Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), and Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). This committee sat several times to critically review the macroeconomic aspect of the draft review report and recommended it accordingly.

  • Published by:General Economics Division
  • Numbers of views:195
February 25, 2024

End Evaluation of the 7th Five Year Plan

The 7th Five-Year Plan of Bangladesh was formulated with the primary objective of achieving accelerated economic growth, reducing poverty, improving human development indicators, and fostering equitable socio-economic progress. It was a crucial milestone for Bangladesh as it sought to address various developmental priorities and propel the nation toward sustainable growth and inclusive development. The plan incorporated a comprehensive set of strategies, policies, and programs spanning various sectors, including agriculture, industry, infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social protection. These initiatives aimed to leverage the country’s potential, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and address the persistent challenges faced by Bangladesh. A rigorous approach and methodological framework were followed for the End Evaluation of the 7th Five Year Plan. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the Plan documents (i.e., the Seventh Plan and the Perspective Plan) and their development results frameworks (DRFs); the collection and analysis of relevant data; and the provision of insightful assessments that are not limited to merely describing the data but also providing rationale. Analysis of quantitative data has been supplemented with qualitative data obtained from a desk review of various policy documents and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and information received from the ministries and divisions. GED formulated this report after brief consultations with executing ministries/ divisions. In this process, concerned officials from GED were actively in touch with the focal persons from ministries/divisions.

  • Published by:General Economics Division
  • Numbers of views:195
August 27, 2023

Apprising BDP 2100 (3 Days Physical Training )-20230209T041459Z-001

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  • Numbers of views:195
February 9, 2023
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