GED Knowledge Portal
GED Knowledge Portal
  • Second National Conference on SDGs Implementation Review

    General Economics Division
    Prime Minister Office
    Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

About GED

The General Economics Division (GED) is one of the six divisions of the Planning Commission and is headed by the Member. This division, like other technical/sector divisions, provides secretarial assistance to the Planning Commission and to the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) and the National Economic Council (NEC) in all matters relating to plan preparation and formulation of economic policies. The principle function of this division is to oversee the overall economic policy-making and economic affairs of the country. Some of the salient features of the functions of this division are as follows:

  • Preparation of national, medium and long-term strategies, guidelines and plans in accordance with social, economic and political objectives as laid down by the Government;
  • Preparation of technical frameworks for plans of various timeframe;
  • Formulation of alternative strategies and policies for mobilization of domestic resources to achieve the plan objectives;
  • Undertake research and analysis on issues like economic diplomacy, fiscal and monetary affairs, international economics, savings and investment, employment and income distribution;
  • Undertake macro and sectoral evaluation of different term plans;
  • Estimation of national income, consumption, savings and investment, domestic resources and foreign exchange requirement, external trade and balance of payment
  • Preparation of memorandum for the Bangladesh aid group meetings, later termed as Bangladesh Development Forum;
  • Preparation of briefs for meetings and negotiations with the multilateral organizations like World Bank, IMF, UN, ADB, WTO, ESCAP, EC, ECDC, South Asian Forum as well as other bilateral development partners;
  • Provide staff support to the Planning Commission for Council Committee on Exports, Resource Committee, Inter-ministerial Committee on ADP, Foreign Exchange Allocation Committee and others;
  • Initiate and organize seminars and professional discussions on issues relevant to economic planning and development.
In 2001, the Government of Bangladesh declared the General Economics Division as the “National Poverty Focal Point (NPFP)”.

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Promoting Sustainable Blue Economy in Bangladesh Through Sustainable Blue Bond Assessing the Feasibility of Instituting Blue Bond in Bangladesh

June 8, 2022

Promoting a sustainable blue economy is an expensive endeavor and thus, demands huge investment. To be successful, Bangladesh will also need to identify the bankable projects with clear outcomes. However, to meet the demand for development financing, Bangladesh should espouse

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Revised Mapping of Ministries/Divisions and Custodian Partner Agencies for SDG Implementation in Bangladesh

May 16, 2022

The fist mapping handbook “Mapping of Ministries by Targets in the implementation of SDGs aligning with 7th Five Year Plan (2016-20)” was fist published in September 2016. This document has been revised mainly for four reasons- 1. Global Indicator Framework

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Honorable Adviser


Wahiduddin Mahmud

Honorable Adviser

Ministry of Planning

Respected Member (Secretary)

Dr. Md. Kawser Ahmed

Member (Secretary)

General Economics Division

Bangladesh Planning Commission
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Chief (Additional Secretary)

Aleya Akter
Chief (Additional Secretary)

General Economics Division

Bangladesh Planning Commission

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